To me, as a printmaker, all graphic techniques are means to draw or paint. Basic ideas are shaped while printing. I continuously interfere in process itself, which results in a mostly unique print. I like mixing techniques, preferably silkscreen and woodcut. It enables me to print on a variety of materials such as cardboard, wood, glass, metal, cloth, etc. It is my way of exploring matter.

Colours, on the other hand, I do not mix as ink. By printing several thin layers of constituent colours on top of one another, I build the final colour I have in mind.
My plastic language is constructive and refers to architecture, typography, bookprinting and the sea. I strive to blur the line between the ‘free’ and the
R.G., ‘Une musique des couleurs’, Group exhibit Marchin, 2002.

Son oeuvre graphique qui s’inscrit dans une mouvance construite, intègre des papiers collés, dont les formes quadrangulaires développent de subtiles vibrations de matière.
Catherine de Braeckeleer, in: “Un siècle de collage en Belgique”, Centre de la Gravure et de l’image imprimée, La Louvière, 1998.

Roel Goussey beoefent als graficus de zeefdruk en de hoogdruk, maar maakt slechts één afdruk. Deze unica steunen compositorisch op het schikken en herschikken van elementen op het vlak, op subtiele verschuivingen, overlappingen en veranderingen in de verhoudingen, en worden op diverse dragers afgedrukt.
Jaak Fontier, in: “Lexicon van Westvlaamse beeldende kunstenaars. Deel 5”, Brugge, Vereniging van Westvlaamse Schrijvers, 1996.